Happy Birthday Lurker
There are a couple of lurkers at my blog that hang around and rarely to never leave comments...
But some of them talk to me on the phone on and off and tell me that they have been keeping an eye on me so to speak...
Today is one of my lurkers birthdays
And she knows exactly who she is
She turns 22 today
I told her that 22 was the best year of my life
Honestly it was
If I was ever given a choice to go back in time
I'd go back to being 22
But this post is about her and not me
Both her and her brother keep me young
They honestly have a certain joie de vivre
And its a pleasure to be around them
So here's wishing you all the best forever n ever
You and your family have taught me so much - more than you could ever imagine
So thank you and the warmest wishes always
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