A message from a crow
I live in a very very peaceful neighbourhood.
Not many people in Mumbai can say the same.
I am terribly fortunate to be able to hear parrots at dawn and birds chirping at dusk.
But surprisingly I don't have too many crows creating a racket.
UNTIL, this weekend that is.
As a child there used to be this crow that used to wake me up at 7 am sharp on weekdays and never on the weekend.
It used to be a joke in the family that he knew I didn't have school on the weekends.
I haven't seen or heard the crow in years.
This weekend however was different.
The blessed crow insisted on waking me up all weekend.
Cawed and Cawed outside my window until i shoo'd it away.
But it kept coming back.
I finally gave up and allowed it to stay.
So caw caw caw all weekend is what I had to deal with.
I came to work this morning and went downstairs for my daily lunchtime stroll.
There are no trees around the building where I work and I was standing in the bright open sunshine with no trees or balconies overhead.
Yet, a crow shat on my right shoulder.
What do you think it means?
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