Wonder Why...
Left work early no traffic on the roads wonder why its Saturday that’s why want a cup of coffee a good book to read wonder why its my time off that’s why an envelope in the mailbox only one wonder why stamp from Ireland address in pencil wonder why glued down fastened with tape wonder why no return address no form of identification wonder why surprise material that’s why a picture in the envelope what for no reason all smiles all laughs never cries always happy that’s why never been beaten never been abused wonder why never married that’s why always ecstatic never taken drugs truly happy truly glowing pregnant u say never hates kids always had always will bad childhood sibling rivalry wonder why middle child that’s why house in background red brick twenty five years u say u wonder why looks dilapidated that’s why orange fence and pink door wonder why hippy style that’s why yellow dress and green shoes she once said that bright colors made her happy and dull ones senile flowers in her hair sunflowers wonder why big I beautiful that’s why doesn’t wear bras does that still make you wonder why bangles on both hands bright and colorful shining in the sunlight merging with the surrounding cant you see why dog in the corner big and beautiful ribbon on the collar red and green do you wonder why Christmas time that’s why calls him daisy wonder why flower power that’s why signed the photo in orange and red do you wonder why not anymore no not I…
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