The simple joys of life
Coming to America always remind me of the simple joys of life
- Playing basketball with my nephews in the driveway
- Playing catch in the driveway (We have our own version of Donkey that we call 'Donkey 89')
- Going for a walk around the sub-division just before the sun sets
- Fighting over who is playing DJ in the car with our i-pods
- Looking at pretty things in the mall that I know I can't buy
- Arguing with my sister over things that are so unimportant (but whats the point of having a sister if you can't argue from time to time)
- Tucking my nephews into bed
- Getting them to read 'Mr Men' to me after reading it to them for so many years
- Getting them to make me breakfast after feeding them for so many years
- Smiling over nothing
- Smiling over everything
- Taking long bubble baths with no clock ticking over my head
- Eating fatty fatty foods and not caring about becoming fat
- No deadlines
- Not caring that I haven't blow dried my hair or painted my nails
- Cheese cake
- Cheetos
- Doritos
- Pretzels
- Making plans to spend days in New York
- Pizza in New York
Ahh the simple joys of life...
What are some of yours?
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