Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Week 52

I'm a bit let down with week 52.

Week 52 is supposed to be the week thats good to you.

Week 52 is supposed to be the time when the universe gives you everything good and fabulous to make up for all the crap you face the rest of the year - right?

Week 52 is the magical time between Christmas and the New Year when everyone is supposed to be in the holiday spirit of things and not be in a work mood. The time when you whistle while you pretend to work...drink loads of red wine...eat fatty food - uhm you get the picture...

Thats what I had planned for my week 52 when it started...

But the universe had something very different planned...

So different that I did not have a free waking moment to write my blog yesterday - ARGH...

I actually got messages on my mobile fone today asking me where my blog for yesterday was...ARGH

So whats been going on in week 52?

Well, to be honest it hasn't been all bad... It started out fun with a gay friend of mine in town from San Fransisco... But then that was Christmas day so I guess thats not counted...

But MONDAY - ARGH Monday creaped up on me real bad...

I started work at 8 am!!! ARGH - Who in their right mind starts work at 8 am on week 52?

I got done with work at 10 pm!!! Louder ARGH!!!

I had 20 people surrounding me every second from 6 pm to 10 pm!!! ARGHer (wait that isn't even a word)...
It took me longer than usual to get home with the traffic!!! Triple ARGH ARGH ARGH (i'm gonna try to stop saying argh)

And then came tuesday...

Tuesday had me sitting in the car alot...wait helluva lot...(I'm holding back)

Tuesday from week 52 had 15 people surrouding me...

Tuesday from week 52 had my client hounding me... (This time I'm REALLY holding back)

Let's not talk about tuesday from week 52...

But week 52 hasn't been all that I hoped it would be YET...

But then again...I don't believe in miracles, I rely on them...

I do...