Tuesday, December 20, 2005


n 1: a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized; "his hopes were so high he was doomed to disappointment" 2: an act (or failure to act) that disappoints someone
Source: WordNet, Princeton University (www.dictionary.com)

Disappointment is a ‘lover’s’ word - Or at least that’s what I think.

I use the word ‘lover’ here loosely. Lover needn’t be a hubby, wife or a lover lover. By lover I also mean a friend, a father, mother, best friend, cat, hamster, sister, an ex – anyone that you care / cared about ‘deeply’.

All of us have been disappointed. All of us are currently disappointed. Hell, I’ve been disappointed. Hell, I’m disappointed now.

But it got me thinking…(I’m putting on my thinking hat now – it actually isn’t a thinking hat but its me jumping into a cross legged position on my chair and cranking my neck closer to the screen so that I can probably see the words mysteriously appear without a thought).

But yeah, it did get me thinking – who am I disappointed in?

Am I disappointed in the courier boy that showed up late? - Hell no, I was just downright upset.

Am I disappointed in the terrible lunch that was cooked yesterday? Damn, I was just fumingly hungry.

Am I disappointed in the waiter that spilt wine on my trousers? Darn, I was just trying to be understanding.

Am I disappointed in the random person that made fun of a friend? No I was just disgusted.

Am I disappointed in the person that promised me an sms that never came last night? Yes I am.

Am I disappointed that my mom forgot something I asked for? Yes I am.

Am I disappointed that my ex married someone else? Yes I am. (It hurt to even say that – ouch my heart still tugs when I think about it)

Am I disappointed in myself screaming at a colleague? Yes I am.

Am I disappointed in myself in not being able to convince my client to release the campaign? Yes I am.

Disappointment IS a lover’s word – or at least that’s what I think.

But more importantly, I am most disappointed in myself coz I love myself.

I am and I do.

There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love. Martin Luther King, Jr.