So Random
Yesterday was a totally random day.
I got to work and expected it to be a true tribute to "Friday the 13th" - a day from hell.
But honestly it started out way better than any other day I had had all week.
I smiled my way all the way till lunch.
And then the skies started to turn.
The universe conspired against me.
The sun decided not to shine on me anymore.
The dark cloud hovered right over my head.
It rained and poured on me and me alone.
And then like a stroke of magic
After a span of approximately seven hours
The sun came out again
Along with the rainbows
I was standing just by the pot of gold
And all I had to do was dig
Just a little bit
I dug
And there, it was
shining in the light
the pot of gold
The pot that would bring me glory
The pot that would bring me joy
The pot of success
But hey, it all comes with a bit of digging, right?
It reminds me of a saying that I think Paulo Coelho said (Personally I don't like his books) but this quote stuck with me...
It went something like this
"If you want something badly enough, the universe conspires to give it to you"
Hmm, there are alot of things I've wanted badly but never got...
Is it all about patience?
Is it dependent on whether the universe thinks its good for you?
Is it unconditional?
What do you think?
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