Tuesday, January 03, 2006


A million little hammers inside my head.
Thats what my head felt like all day today.
It was just terrible.
It all started with the painting thats going on in the house.
Got aggrevated by the long painful drive from my clients office to my office.
Got even worse by the hunger pangs.
And then the actual painful part set in.
Some jack ass in my office decided to light incense sticks at work!
And my client picked today of all days to drive me up the wall.
I promise you, he called me a hundred times.
And I swear it was a minimum of a hundred.

Nothing saved me.
Not the twenty minute nap I tried to grab on the couch in the bar.
Not the paracetamol I popped.
Not even the walk downstairs.

I figured I was in quite a mood when people started avoiding me...LOL
Felt like I had the plague or somethin...LOL

So, not quite the way I had planned to start the new year
But, what the hell...
Lets just call it week 52 spillover eh?

Leave me a comment to make me feel better...willya?