Monday, January 09, 2006

A very happy un-birthday to me

Last night I was out at dinner with some of my buddies.

We were at this really nice Asian restaurant situated in the heart of the city on a rooftop seated under the open skies and stars

Yeah I was pleasantly surpried to see stars in this city too...

In any case half way through dinner they came up with this wise idea that we should celebrate my birthday.

Go birthday is ages away and there was zero significance to my birthday last night but that didn't stop them...

They went all the way...

Ordered me a cake with a candle and even sang "happy birthday" along with a localised hindi version...

"Tum jeeyo hazaro saal" which in english translates to may you live a thousand years...

They decided that since I've survived beyond being 29 years 6 months and more, I am now officially 30 years old (mathematically you see)...

Who is to argue with their logic after grape and grain being consumed...

But honestly, what great friends I have...

I may not have a boyfriend or a husband but I am truly blessed with great great friends...

Thank you...

And a happy un-birthday to me too *hic*