Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Half days and dinner rolls

I never found the diamond

I turned the house up side down

I turned the car up side down

I even turned my office up side down

It's gone

My parents had their own theory when they saw me upset

They say that something worse was supposed to happen

And the 'nazar' (evil eye) came out on the diamond

Hence we should be happy its gone

This is only cause I didn't lose the whole ring

Had I lost the whole ring there would have been a pandemonium in the house

But the hook broke and the diamond fell out so that wasn't totally my fault

So thats that!

Yesterday I decided to take it easy at work

I ordered chinese lunch from a nearby restaurant just for fun

Noodles, rice, fish, corn cream, the works

This other guy in the office and me sat on the board room table and ate ate and ate some more

After that loverly lunch, I decided taking it easy at work wasn't enough

I wanted time off while the sun was still shining

So I left office at half past four

The sun was still shining and I couldn't believe there was a world alive outside

So I decided to take my 9 year old shopping

And while I was there I saw two cotton T's that were soft and cool and cheap

So I bought them

Then dinner at a friends house who has 2 daughters - Perfect

Girly dinners are always so much fun

The three kids were locked away in a room playing fantasy games, computer games, jenga and what not

My friend and I were in the kitchen making fresh bread from fresh yeast with herbs

We shaped the dinner rolls into snails, flowers, twirly circles, funny faces, plaits etc

And I was still home and in bed by 10 pm
