I'm terribly sleepy today.
There it comes again
*Y A W N*
Yikes, whats wrong with me...
Guess I'm really really sleepy today...
I went out again last nite
Just as I promised, I did my hair, did my nails, put on a full full face and an outfit that would make any red carpet proud...
I love black
No, I do.
I really really love the colour black (yeah i write the Queen's english "colour" not "color")
So slimming so sexy
I toy around with other colours too
Reds (I like red but you gotta be in the mood to wear red - its not a colour that you can just slip into...)
Pinks (So feminine - with pink you gotta get the whole girly thing going - so it ain't simple either)
Whites (Argh so hard to keep crisp and fresh - a bit too virginal for me)
Greens (nah just not really me)
Yellow (make me look sick)
Blue (How could I forget blue - I love blue too)
But Black, ahhhh black
Hey how many times did you guys yawn while reading this?
I'm outta here
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