Saturday, February 04, 2006

Line 'em up

I honestly truly believe the Lord has a sense of humour

I mean, there will be days that nothing ever will seem to go my way

No matter what I do or say or even try to accomplish it always ends up in one big SPLAT

And on other days the universe just starts conspiring to do things totally in my favour

It usually hits me on my head with one big THUD

And most of the time I don't even realise its happening until I stop to notice it

The last couple of days have been like that

My life has been pretty drab the last couple of months

No serious dating

No nothing

No men in sight

And then suddenly

over the last couple of days

People have been randomly showing up from out of the blue

And oddly enough all over the span of the same 2-3 days

It was definitely random enough for me to sit up and take note

And say

'Hey, whats goin on?'

So, lets make a list shall we

Or better yet, lets just line 'em up and shoot some of 'em down

Hmm, or maybe I should play along and see whats goin on

But for posterity sake lets line em up

6'3" is back in the radar

'Shorty' sporadically shows up too

The 'Italy' guy that I mentioned yesterday (randomly flashed on my mobile screen after a really long time) - Lives in the States

Another guy that I shall call the 'Gambler' (Strangely decided to keep in touch via sms over the last week) - Lives in the States too

And then I met the 'Professor' through a fairly random meeting who wants to meet me again - Beep, he doesn't live in India either and is leaving tonight

So, whats going on?

Is the universe conspiring for or against me?

What say you?