Fighting Time-Out
I've decided to take a dose of truth serum today
So if you can't handle the truth and me rambling...I suggest you leave now...
I have not been terribly happy lately
I've been on the verge of taking a serious 'Time-Out'
'Time-Out' in Noojes language means not taking calls, not going out, spending way too much time alone - mainly thinking at the time...
There are way too many reasons for me to take time out
There's just way too much happening in my life at the moment
Emotionally, Professionally...
And at times I just can't take it any more
And it usually leads to a serious time out
But my time outs never last more then 72 hours
I call it my 72 hour rule
Behave badly - only for 72 hours
Want to cry - 72 hours at the max
Want to mourn a loss - 72 hours
Never a moment more...
With me, its usually never a moment less either when I take a time out
But this time, I'm fighting taking a time-out
I'm actually pushing myself to go out
I'm pushing myself to say everything will be ok
"The sun will come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There'll be sun
Just thinkin about tomorrow..."
What I really feel like doing at the moment is
Catching a flight
Straight to Nashville, TN
Thats my international hide out
Where I can't run but surely can hide
Atleast for a while
Live the Suburban American life
Yesterday one of my closest married friends from St Martin called me
Her life has just changed totally
Not once in the conversation did she ask me how I am
All she spoke of was her baby boy
She didn't even ask how I was...
And I didn't say either...
Hmmm, it upset me a bit...
At the same time on call wait
A man from St Thomas - lets call him Mr Italy for all future reference...
(call it co-incidence that they both thought of me and called at the exact same moment)
(this is the one that invited me to Italy)
I've realised over the years that he always calls me when he is drinking
The famous Drunk Dial
But he has known me for years and years
Damn, he even offered me a diamond ring a couple of years ago
I said no at the time...
Anyways Mr Italy said "AJ, I still worship you"
(AJ is what he calls me)
Worship what kind of crap is that?
I'm rambling...I better go...
Run run run
Hide hide hide
I wanna stop the clock...
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