A trip back in time
I am finally back better and more blessed than ever before
This trip to Tamil Nadu has been an experience I will never forget
I travelled from Chennai to Mahaballipuram to Pondicherry (yes I went to the Aurobindo Ashram) down through Chidambaram to Kumbakonam (temple city of the world) to Thanjavur (where I bought a 100 year old antique Tanjore painting) to Darasuram to Gangaikondacholapuram and back to Chennai
Basically I have seen four world heritage monuments amongst other fabulous sites over this weekend and have been blessed in temples that I never imagined I would see
We braved cyclonic winds and flooding waters and finally saw sunshine on the third day but details and more pictures will follow soon - I promise
I will leave you with one comment a guide said to me at Mahabaliipuram when I was looking at an old structure
"Madam this is new, it is only 600 years old...The others are atleast 1400 years old!"
Hows that for history!